age 53, Corrie began a world-wide ministry which took her into more
than 60 countries in the next 33 years! She testified to God’s love and
encouraged all she met with the message that “Jesus is Victor.”
seven years, I served as a writer for Dutchman Brother Andrew, who
wrote the best-selling book God’s Smuggler (with John and Elizabeth
Andrew was good friends with Corrie Ten Boom, whose family hid Jews
in their home in Haarlem, Holland. The Ten Boom family were dedicated
Christians who dedicated their lives in the service to their fellow man. Their home was always an “open house” for anyone in need.
Through the decades the Ten Booms were very active in social work in
Haarlem, and their faith inspired them to serve the religious community
and society at large and their fellow man. Their home was always an
“open house” for anyone in need. Through the decades the Ten Booms were
very active in social work in Haarlem, and their faith inspired them to
serve the religious community and society at large.
During the Second World War, the Ten Boom home became a refuge, a
hiding place, for fugitives and those hunted by the Nazis. By protecting
these people, Casper and his daughters, Corrie and Betsie, risked their
lives. This non-violent resistance against the Nazi-oppressors was the
Ten Booms’ way of living out their Christian faith. This faith led them
to hide Jews, students who refused to cooperate with the Nazis, and
members of the Dutch underground resistance movement.
During 1943 and into 1944, there were usually 6-7 people illegally
living in this home: 4 Jews and 2 or 3 members of the Dutch underground.
Additional refugees would stay with the Ten Booms for a few hours or a
few days until another “safe house” could be located for them. Corrie
became a ringleader within the network of the Haarlem underground.
Corrie and “the Beje group” would search for courageous Dutch
families who would take in refugees, and much of Corrie’s time was spent
caring for these people once they were in hiding. Through these
activities, the Ten Boom family and their many friends saved the lives
of an estimated 800 Jews, and protected many Dutch underground workers.
On February 28, 1944, this family was betrayed and the Gestapo (the
Nazi secret police) raided their home. The Gestapo set a trap and waited
throughout the day, seizing everyone who came to the house. By evening
about 30 people had been taken into custody! Casper, Corrie and Betsie
were all arrested. Corrie’s brother Willem, sister Nollie, and nephew
Peter were at the house that day, and were also taken to prison.
Although the Gestapo systematically searched the house, they could
not find what they sought most. They suspected Jews were in the house,
but the Jews were safely hidden behind a false wall in Corrie’s bedroom.
In this “hiding place” were two Jewish men, two Jewish women and two
members of the Dutch underground. Although the house remained under
guard, the Resistance was able to liberate the refugees 47 hours later.
The six people had managed to stay quiet in their cramped, dark hiding
place for all that time, even though they had no water and very little
food. The four Jews were taken to new “safe houses,” and three survived
the war. One of the underground workers was killed during the war years,
but the other survived.
Because underground materials and extra ration cards were found in
their home, the Ten Boom family was imprisoned. Casper (84 years old)
died after only 10 days in Scheveningen Prison. When Casper was asked if
he knew he could die for helping Jews, he replied, “It would be an
honor to give my life for God’s ancient people.” Corrie and Betsie spent
10 months in three different prisons, the last was the infamous
Ravensbruck Concentration Camp located near Berlin, Germany. Life in the
camp was almost unbearable, but Corrie and Betsie spent their time
sharing Jesus’ love with their fellow prisoners.
Many women became Christians in that terrible place because of Corrie
and Betsie’s witness to them. Betsie (59) died in Ravensbruck, but
Corrie survived. Corrie’s nephew, Christiaan (24), had been sent to
Bergen Belsen for his work in the underground, and never returned.
Corrie’s brother, Willem (60), was also a ring leader in the Dutch
underground. While in prison for this “crime,” he contracted spinal
tuberculosis and died shortly after the war.
Four Ten Booms gave their lives for this family’s commitment, but
Corrie came home from the death camp. She realized her life was a gift
from God, and she needed to share what she and Betsie had learned in
Ravensbruck: “There is no pit so deep that God’s love is not deeper
still” and “God will give us the love to be able to forgive our
At age 53, Corrie began a world-wide ministry which took her into
more than 60 countries in the next 33 years! She testified to God’s love
and encouraged all she met with the message that “Jesus is Victor.”
Corrie with Billy Graham
received many tributes and was knighted by the Queen of Holland. In
1968, the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem (Yad Vashem) asked Corrie to
plant a tree in the Garden of Righteousness, in honor of the many Jewish
lives her family saved. Corrie’s tree stands there today.
In the early 1970′s Corrie’s book The Hiding Place (also written with
John and Elizabeth Sherrill) became a best seller and Billy Graham’s
World Wide Pictures released the major motion picture “The Hiding
Place.” Corrie went on to write many other inspiring books and make
evangelical videos.
Corrie was a woman who was faithful to God. She died on her 91st
birthday, April 15, 1983. It is interesting that Corrie’s passing
occurred on her birthday. In the Jewish tradition, it is only very
blessed people who are allowed the special privilege of dying on their
I had the privilege, along with my wife Norma and son, Andrew, of
attending her funeral in Santa Ana, California, where a Jewish woman
stood by her casket during the service and movingly thanked her for
helping to save the lives of so many Jews during the war.
Now back to Brother Andrew. He told me that once, when he had visited
Corrie at her home in Haarlem, he was leaving and she turned to him and
said, “Andrew, keep looking down!” Andrew told me that he thought she
had finally lost it and replied, “Don’t you mean keeping looking up?”
Corrie then replied, “No Andrew, keep looking down! For when you do
that, you can see the world from God’s perspective.”
So maybe, as we despair about the violence in our world today, we
should also take Corrie’s advice and “keep looking down” and then we can
also see the world from God’s perspective.
Source: Continental News